Hangover Free Living.

Hi, I’m James and my life wasn’t always hangover-free. In fact, for over twenty years hangovers were a large part of how I lived. They got worse over my drinking career and became anxiety-filled, with dread and regret so I had to change my ways.

Thankfully I managed to get, and so far, remain alcohol-free and this has had a hugely positive impact on my life from health - both mental and physical - to my relationships and day-to-day living.

Sobriety has allowed me to live my life with a positive mindset I did not think was possible and this blog is a place where I tell my story with alcohol, the good and the bad.

From pub-going lager drinker to stone-cold sober at 41 years old I have finally found that

Hangover Free Living is Living!

I didn’t reach rock bottom in the traditional sense but I was drinking far too much, too often and had to make a decision. Stop or carry on. Thankfully, after many attempts, I managed to stop
— James